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Deacon ordination of Brother Moïse-Étienne in Addis Ababa

Published on 31 July 2022

Deacon ordination brother Moise

“I am grateful to him who has strengthened me”

What a crowd to witness this testimony of God’s choice and man’s response! Members of the French-speaking community, English-speaking friends, youth, families, and the Oblates we serve here in Ethiopia have all gathered at this event.

The Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Antoine Camilleri, gave a beautiful homily before proceeding with the rite of ordination of our brother.

“Every ordination and even every sacrament received in the Church is a reminder of the free call of God who chooses us despite our unworthiness.”

This is the message that we can hold following the ordination of our brother Moise-Etienne this July 31, 2022. The text that inspired him the most comes from the first letter of Saint Paul to Timothy: “I am grateful to him who has strengthened me, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he considered me trustworthy in appointing me to the ministry…” (1Timothy 1:12)

Bonjour !!!
Ravi de vous rencontrer.

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