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FrĂšres de Saint-Jean Province de France
PROVINCE OF EUROPE DĂ©couvrir la Province Europe Autriche Marchegg Belgique Banneux Italie Rome Lituanie Vilnus Pays-Bas La Haye Utrecht Angleterre Londres Roumanie Bucarest Suisse GenĂšve
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In part, evangelism is accomplished by sharing books, Bibles, and magazines. This is why the Brothers of St. John in Ethiopia are involved in various productions or translations in order to impact many people. Sometimes even people they will not meet.

In addition to the printing of New Testaments, here are the two regular editions supported by the priory.

Love One Another magazine

Love One Another Magazines

For a few years now, the Brothers of Saint John have been participating in the translation of the magazine Love One Another and are thus part of an evangelization movement that now extends as far as Ethiopia.

Children of Hope publications

children of hope's books

For the formation of children in faith and prayer, many books have been published. They are printed in beautiful quality, with images, and an adapted text that allows them to marvel and discover prayer, lives of saints…