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Frères de Saint-Jean Province de France
PROVINCE OF EUROPE Découvrir la Province Europe Autriche Marchegg Belgique Banneux Italie Rome Lituanie Vilnus Pays-Bas La Haye Utrecht Angleterre Londres Roumanie Bucarest Suisse Genève
PROVINCE AFRIQUE Découvrir la Province Afrique Côte d’Ivoire Abidjan Cameroun Simbock Yaoundé Éthiopie Addis-Abeba Guinée Coyah Sénégal Poponguine Togo Kara Lomé

School of Life

photo school of life

Through their Schools of Life, the Brothers of Saint John offer young people an opportunity to face this question which is always present in their hearts: “To what am I called?”

Taking time to deepen their human and Christian life is the choice made each year by young people aged 18 to 25 when they enter one of the Schools of Life run by the Brothers.

Through formation, prayer, fraternal life and mission, the School of Life offers an experience that helps all young people to build themselves humanly and in Christianity, whatever their choice of life afterwards.

Other missions

Pastoral coordination
Eagle eye camps
Children of Hope


If you are interested to participate the next School of Life, please contact the brother in charge

See Brothers’ page